Electronics & Communication Engineering

Prof. K. Pursnani
- B.Tech. IIT/K
- Developed AM/FM Receivers & Audio Systems at Bush India Ltd.
- Retired as General Manager From Central Electronics Ltd. (A Govt. of India Enterprise)
- Headed the development of Scanning Electron Microscope under DST sponsored project.
- Experience: Industry: 35 Years, Academics : 14 Years
- Electronic Devices Lab
- Electronic Circuits Lab
- Switching & Logic Design Lab
- PCB Design & Electronics Workshop Lab
- Data Structures Lab
- Electronic Instruments & Measurement Lab
- Digital Electronics Lab
- Microprocessor & Microcontroller Lab
- Analog Communication Lab
- Digital Communication Lab
- CAD of Electronics Lab
- Digital Signal Processing Lab
- Microwave & Fibre optic Comm. Lab
- Electronic Circuit Design Lab
- Project Lab
- Advanced Communication Lab ( M.Tech. Programme)
- PG Research Lab (Software Lab)
Electronics & Communication Engineering @BBDIT
Electronics & Communication Engineering is a branch of studies which deals with the science of electrons that covers a wide range of applications like Television, Radio, computers, telecommunication etc. which make our life easier and enjoyable.
ECE is backbone of modern communication system which rules rocket science to telecommunication everything. Present-day scenario, modern applications like Internet of things (IOT), Robotics, and Embedded Systems are highly dependent on the knowledge of ECE.
Now a day, we are unable to think our daily life without the elements or devices connecting with electronics and communication engineering. As an example, it is very difficult to spend even a single day without mobile phone or television.
We all know that the rapid growth of the “Internet of Things” is changing the modern era where embedded system plays an important role due to its unique features such as real time computing, low power consumption, low maintenance and high availability.
In today’s world, when we are looking for smart cities, environmental monitoring system, smart home appliances and smart health care system where internet of things are applied.
Robotics is another very important area which deals with the design and application of robots. Today, robots are used in various fields like: industrial manufacturing process, nuclear science, defence system, service for communication and many more.
In fact, during this lock down situation, where social distancing is required, demanding the use of robots for sanitization, city monitoring and to help the doctors.
There are various jobs in the market for electronics and communication engineering which are of high demand and various industries are looking for ECE engineers who can assist them in latest technologies. Due to day by day technology advancements, the requirement of the electronics engineers is on the rise.
If you are good in communication and circuits ece is a good choice. The scope of ECE is very high. You can join IT industry, airlines, telecommunication, etc. Indian armed forces also provides jobs for electronics and communication engineers. There are Plenty of Career Options in ECE after B.Tech. Electronics Graduates can go for any one sector.
There are many sectors which provides them opportunity to enhance their skills. The major qualities of ECE Engineer are Complex problem-solving skills, a methodical mind, Critical thinking, Strong interest in technology, Communications skills, Strong IT skills, and an ability to priorities and plan work effectively.
Conclusion: The ECE Career will prepares you for a wide range of engineering study and career options like business, biomedical engineering, computer hardware, the aerospace industry, computer software, nano-electronic chips, photonics, nano- engineering, robotics and solar energy harvesting and so on.
Scope of ECE
Electronics has made tremendous advancements over the past few decades which can be seen in the following areas:
- Wireless communication like Bluetooth, GPRS, WiFi
- GPS Satellites
- Embedded Systems in Automobiles
- Barcodes
- Defense Applications like communication satellites, missiles, drones, etc.
Career Opportunities after ECE
Mentioned, the opportunities in the ECE domain are ever-expanding. Therefore, every industry recruits ECE graduates. One can always choose to pursue a higher degree and develop a career in research or look for a job straight after graduation in ECE. Some industries that hire ECE graduates are:
- Electronics
- Automotive
- Healthcare
- Manufacturing
- Steel and Petroleum
- Industries
- Telecommunication
- Engineering
- Computer Networking
- Embedded System
- Robotics
- Defense
- Power Electronics
- Wireless Networking
Jobs after ECE
Considering the range of industries hiring ECE graduates, there is a wide range of jobs available in the field. Some of the job profiles available after completing B.Tech ECE are:
- Electronics Engineer
- Communications Engineer
- Technical Director
- Network Planning Engineer
- Desktop Support Engineer
- Electronics and Communication Consultant
- Customer Support Engineer
- Associate Firstline Technician
- Research and DeveloAs pment Engineer
- Field Test Engineer
- Electronics Device and Development Engineer
- Service Engineer
- Electronics Technician
- Electronics Design Engineer
Salary after ECE Degree
The average salary after completing the ECE course varies according to the job role. The salary range for freshers in private jobs after ECE is from 4.4 LPA to 7 LPA. Whereas, for the government jobs after ECE, the salary ranges between 2.7 LPA to 6 LPA.
ECE, being an evolving realm, is popular among individuals. Therefore, there is a wide spectrum of scope after an ECE degree. The career opportunities in ECE are always flourishing.